Founded for the study of law as an academic discipline and to carry out various related activities.
Founded with the aims of studying politics, economics, public policy and journalism, and the specialized fields related to them, and of carrying out interdisciplinary research into journalism, the media and communications, which are the lifelines of society, and of problem areas related to them while also contributing on a broad basis to society through our academic achievements.
Founded with the aims of contributing to education within the college by carrying our organic and interdisciplinary research into journalism, the media and communications, which are the lifelines of society, and of problem areas related to them while also contributing on a broad basis to society through our academic achievements.
Founded with the aims of promoting research into the international discipline of intellectual property and related activities to contribute to the economic growth and the development of Japan.
Founded with the aims of promoting comparative legal study of Japanese and overseas legal systems and of furthering mutual exchange with overseas legal scholars.